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Order Status | |
An item is missing from my shipment. | |
Be sure to inspect your shipment carefully. At times two or more shirt collars can be folded together and appear as just 1 shirt. Examine the collars carefully to be sure that you have counted the apparel correctly. If you find that your order was short please notify us within 72 hours. Shipping weights from the carrier will be compared against your order to determine if the apparel was pulled during shipment or if the apparel was shorted at the warehouse. If it is determined that our warehouse made a mistake we will ship the apparel out immediately at no expense. |
Has my order shipped? | |
Click the MY ACCOUNT link at the top right hand side of our site to check your orders status. |
How do I cancel my order/item? | |
Once your Order has been placed you cannot edit the Order. If a change or cancellation is necessary, please notify us immediately. We cannot guarantee changes or cancellations can be made after submitting your Order since it may have already been pulled by the distribution center, but we will try. | |
How do I increase/decrease quantities on an order? | |
Once your Order has been placed you cannot edit the Order. If a change is necessary, please notify us immediately. We cannot guarantee changes can be made after submitting your Order since it may have already been pulled by the distribution center, but we will try. | |
How do I track my order? | |
Click the MY ACCOUNT link at the top right hand side of our site to track your order. If tracking is not posted, you may request tracking by Clicking Here. | |
My order never arrived. | |
Please Click the MY ACCOUNT link at the top right hand side of our site and track your order first. If your order shows it has been delivered, but you did not receive your order, please call us or email us as soon as possible. We will assist you in filing a claim with UPS and re-ship your Order if required. |